You can adjust what the viewing pane looks like during your search using the view settings in the upper right. The settings will not affect the results of your search, but they will change the appearance to make it easier to browse the results and find what you need. 

The available options are: 

Rating / Curation status: If an asset has been assigned a star rating of 1-10 stars, that will appear in the lower left of the asset thumbnail. Curation status is color-coded, with green = accepted, orange = pending, red = rejected. 

Filename: The original filename of the asset will display at the top of the thumbnail.

Catalogue number/Asset ID: The unique 8-digit ID assigned to the asset upon upload will display in the middle bottom of the asset thumbnail.

Type icon: The asset's filetype will display in the lower left corner.

Details on hover: A digest of the available metadata will display when you hover your cursor over the asset thumbnail. 

Background Color: The background of the browsing area can be changed to white, gray, or black. 

Transparent Img Color: If there are assets with transparent elements or backgrounds, such as logos, you can choose to make the transparent elements display in black, white, gray, or checker. 

Zoom Level: The size of the asset thumbnails can be adjusted to 100%, 150%, or 200%. 

Vault will remember your preferences and keep track of them next time you log in. Your search preferences will not affect other users. 

To begin adjusting your settings, follow these steps.

Adjust View Settings

  1. Click the gear symbol to the right of your search results or press Ctrl+Shift+V

  2. Check the boxes next to information you want displayed.