Lightboxes are great for personal or private projects, but they are also a great way to hold yourself or collaborators accountable. The workflow provided by Vault consists of tasks, which can be assigned to yourself or any collaborators also linked to the Lightbox.

Create a Task

  1. Hover over the name of the Lightbox in the upper right corner.

  2. Select + Create Task from the dropdown.

  3. Give the task a name and add any details.

  4. Assign the task to yourself or another user.

  5. Click Create.

  6. The user(s) assigned the task will receive an email alert.

Tip: You can assign the same task to multiple users. To remove unwanted users from a task, click the trashcan icon next to their name. 

Edit Tasks

  1. Go to the Lightbox. 

  2. Hover over its name in the upper right corner. 

  3. Select Tasks from the dropdown. 

  4. Click the pencil icon next to the task. 

  5. Make your changes. 

  6. Click Update.

View Your Tasks

  1. Click your name in the upper right corner of the browser.

  2. Select My Tasks from the dropdown menu. 

  3. View all Tasks in a table. 

Tip: Use the tabs to toggle between tasks assigned to you and created by you. 

View Tasks in a Lightbox

  1. Go to the Lightbox. 

  2. Hover over its name in the upper right corner. 

  3. Select Tasks from the dropdown menu. 

Change Task Status

  1. Select the task from the Tasks view under your Account or from within the Lightbox
  2. Scroll to the area marked "status"
  3. Click it
  4. Select a new status
  5. Click Update

Delete a Task

  1. Go to the Lightbox. 

  2. Hover over its name in the upper right corner. 

  3. Select Tasks from the dropdown. 

  4. Click the trashcan icon next to the task. 

  5. Confirm your choice.