Featured Collections are displayed on the homepage. They are a great way to direct users to the most relevant, important or frequently-used curated collections of assets. To create a featured collection, watch the video or follow the instructions below. 

Create a Featured Collection

  1. Locate the collection you want to feature. 

  2. Hover over its name until the dropdown appears. 

  3. Click Edit Info.

  4. Click the checkbox next to “Feature Collection on Organization Homepage.”

  5. Click Save.

If you have created a number of Featured Collections, you can reorganize them as needed through drag and drop.

Rearrange Featured Collections

  1. Select the Collection you wish to move
  2. Drag it into position
  3. Release

Note that you cannot mix Featured Content and Featured Collections. You can only arrange Collections within its area of the homepage. 

Remove a Featured Collection

  1. Locate the collection you no longer wish to feature. 

  2. Hover over its name until the dropdown appears. 

  3. Click Edit Info.

  4. Uncheck the checkbox next to “Feature Collection on Organization Homepage.”

  5. Click Save.

Tip: Deleting the collection itself will remove it from everywhere in the account, including the homepage.