Lightroom (LR) is an application in the Adobe Creative Cloud that provides the ability to organize, sort, and make non-destructive edits to digital assets. Tandem Vault crafted a plugin designed for LR users that will let them upload their completed LR projects directly into Vault, which cuts down on the need to switch between applications, therefore creating a smoother workflow for LR users.

Install the Lightroom Plugin (MacOS and Windows)

  1. Go to Account >  Profile Settings
  2. Click the Download option under Lightroom Plugin
  3. Save the Plugin (Be sure to unzip first!)
    1. MacOS: Applications folder
    2. Windows: Programs folder
  4. Launch Lightroom
  5. Open the Lightroom Publishing Manager
  6. Click "Plugin Manager..." button in the lower left corner 
  7. Click the Add button
  8. Navigate to the Applications or Programs folder and click the tandemvault.lrplugin icon
  9. Click "Add Plugin."
  10. Click "Done" to close the menu and return to the Lightroom Publishing Manager
  11. The Tandem Vault Plugin will appear under Publish Services on the left of the Publishing Manager
  12. Click the words "set-up" on the plugin
  13. Enter your Vault account domain and API key
  14. Click Authorize
  15. Your Vault username will appear above the domain in the Publishing Manager modal 
  16. Click Save

Upload to Default Upload Set

  1. Drag and drop assets into the folder labeled "Lightroom" on the lower left side
  2. Click on it
  3. you will see new photos to publish and published assets
  4. Click publish as you add more completed assets

Please note that there is not an option to create subfolders or sub-collections when creating Upload Sets. You can, however, create new Upload Sets in Lightroom that will be mirrored in Vault. 

Create New Upload Set 

  1. Right click the Tandem Vault icon under Publish Services in Lightroom
  2. Select Create Upload Set from the dropdown menu
  3. Give your new Set a name
  4. It will appear in a list under the Tandem Vault icon in Lightroom and in your Vault account

The plugin does not support reciprocal uploading at this time, meaning that if you attempt to add photos or other assets to Lightroom through your Upload Sets in Vault, you will not see those same assets appear in Lightroom. 

Disconnect the Plugin

  1. Go to the Lightroom Plugin Manager
  2. Click Disable next to Tandem Vault


  1. Right-click Tandem Vault under Publish Services
  2. Select 'delete' from the dropdown menu