There are two ways to search by filename in Tandem Vault. You can search with the search bar at the top of the application window or try the filter located under "Metadata" on the left side of the viewing area. In either situation, follow the formatting instructions below for the best results. If you are looking for file extensions, there is an existing search filter for that.
If you know the entire filename, simply enter it into the search bar or filter found under Metadata on the left side of the viewing area.
If you only know part of the filename, follow the instructions below for the beginning, middle, or end of the filename. You may receive more than one result, especially if you only search for a few common characters (i.e. "xyz").
If you know first part of a filename (or string), you can enter it followed by an asterisk, also known as a wildcard symbol. For example, if the full filename is Start_Middle_End_123.jpg, you would search Start*
This will pull all results that begin with "Start." You can also abbreviate further and just search for Star* or even St*. It is up to you!
If you know the last part of a filename, you can search *End_123.jpg. This will show all results with filenames that match your term in their second half.
If you only know the middle part of a name, or aren't sure of the file extension (e.g. .jpg, .pdf, etc.) or where in the filename your term appears, you can search *Middle* This will show all results with filenames containing "Middle."
You'll notice that in all three of my examples, the asterisk/wildcard marks where in the filename (or string) the term exists. The placement of the asterisk tells the software where to search.