If a user is no longer part of your organization, was added by mistake, or just doesn't need to be in the Vault account for whatever reason, you have two options: delete the user or lock their account. Deleting the user account will remove their name from data tables and delete any Lightboxes stored in their account. Locking the user account will prevent them from logging in but will leave their data intact for your records. 

Delete a User Account

  1. Log in.
  2. Go to Users > All Memberships.
  3. Locate the user by scrolling or searching for them in the search bar on the upper right.
  4. Select the trashcan icon next to the user's name.
  5. Confirm your choice.

Lock a User Account

  1. Log In.
  2. Go to Users > All Memberships.
  3. Locate the user by scrolling or searching for them in the search bar on the upper right.
  4. Select the pencil icon next to the user's name.
  5. Click the red "Lock Membership" button at the top.
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click "Update."

The system will record the user responsible for locking the account and the date and time the change went into effect. If you change your mind about a user or locked them by mistake, you can undo the action by following the same steps as above and simply clicking the button again to unlock.