To perform activities such as downloading, organizing, and tagging assets, you must first select them. This article describes different ways to select assets.

Select Individual Assets

  • Hover your mouse over the asset and press ‘S’ on your keyboard. 
  • Click the checkbox in the lower right corner of the asset.

Select Multiple Assets

  1. Select multiple assets by first selecting one asset and then holding down the Shift key while dragging your mouse across the desired assets. 
  2. A red dotted line should appear over the assets as you go. 
  3. Release the Shift key and mouse when they are selected.


  1. Select the first asset by hovering over it and pressing 'S.'
  2. Hold down the Shift key and press 'S' to select another asset further down the page. All assets between the first and second assets will be selected. 

Tip: Vault will copy whatever the initial action is, so you can also use this method to uncheck assets by unchecking the first selected asset and then dragging your cursor over the assets below. 

Select All

  • Click 'Select All' in the toolbar at the top of the browsing pane or press Ctrl+A.

Select None

  • Click the 'x' next to gray box in the toolbar indicating the number of selected assets or press Ctrl+N.

In this example, 12 assets have been selected. Your screen may look different, with more options or fewer depending on your role.