Vault enables you to set visibility and download permissions to your assets at three different levels. This tutorial describes setting permissions in a License Group.

The process for modifying permissions to assets within a License Group is the same as when you create a new License Group, and the permissions will be applied to every asset associated with the Group.

Set Permissions in a License Group

  1. Go to License & Usage
  2. Select License Groups from the dropdown menu
  3. Navigate to the desired License Group by searching or scrolling 
  4. Click the pencil tool to the right of the License Group's name
  5. Scroll until you see the permissions
  6. Check the boxes next to the user groups you want to be able to view and/or download the assets
  7. Click Save

Permissions for assets in License groups cannot be changed at the asset level. If you have an asset or group of assets that need custom permissions, you’ll need to first remove them from the License Group.