The Legal tab in your account allows you to fill in legal language for different areas of your archive. You are not required to fill in this information if it's non-applicable or you're unsure if you are ready to use a certain feature. If you leave these areas empty, the boxes will remain blank.
We recommend that you devise legal language to protect you from misuse when sharing sensitive assets. If you aren't sure where to start, contact for some recommendations and examples from similar accounts. Otherwise, consult your legal counsel.
Terms of Service
These terms apply to all users in your Vault account, so this is a good place to lay down some ground rules just so everything is out in the open. This can also save you time later on by precluding the need to cover this in a separate training or clear up chronic confusion.
Popular topics include how users are permitted to utilize the account and any means you intend to use to monitor their movements, such as reports.
External Upload Terms of Service
These terms cover all submissions uploaded into your Vault account via the External Upload feature. This is a good place to include restrictions on the file types and quality of submissions you expect, requirements for metadata, and any additional instructions about the process that you feel are relevant.
As seen in the image below, the user must accept terms before proceeding, so this box should not be left blank if you intend to use External Uploads.