Branding plays an increasingly important role in business practices. To help you create and maintain a consistent branded image, we have expanded access to logos and other branding opportunities. These options are available to the account owner only, and are located under Account > Organization Settings > Settings. If you need to access these options but are not the account owner, use the Contact Account Owner option under the Help tab in the upper right of the toolbar in your account to negotiate changes. 

Home Search Background Image

This image appears on the landing page of your account and has the large logo and a search bar overlaying it. Because of the placement of these elements, we recommend selecting an image that conveys your aesthetic preferences without visually confusing content that may clash with your logo.

Large Logo

The large logo is the most important piece of the branding suite. It appears in all emails generated by the account (e.g. Lightbox Shares, Group Emails, Task notifications) and on the following pages: 

Because it will appear in so many different areas of the account, it makes sense to choose a logo that looks good in different contexts and follows the resolution and sizing tips. 

Toolbar Logo

The toolbar logo will follow you everywhere in the account. It is tucked in the uppermost left corner, and is sandwiched between the search bar and the edge of your browser. For aesthetic reasons, a small square logo, preferably matching the favicon, looks best here.


A favicon is the small icon that appears on the left side of your browser tab. The default is the Tandem Vault double-T, but you can replace this with your organization's logo by selecting a file from your computer. We recommend using a square version of your logo that contrasts sufficiently with the browser color scheme to be easily visible. Your file will be resized to fit 32x32px, and the uploader only accepts .ico files.