Vault enables you to pick and choose which users groups see your Collections through permissions. This is a useful tool for segregating Permission Levels and concealing sensitive or valuable Collections from general users. To begin using these permissions, follow the instructions below.

Set Permissions in a New Collection

  1. Go to Assets > +New Collection or select assets while browsing and click the Collection icon from the toolbar at the top of the browsing area (or press Shift+C).
  2. Fill in your new Collection's name and any other settings
  3. Select the Permissions tab within the New Collection modal
  4. Click the checkbox next to each Permission Level to grant View access. 
  5. Click Submit.

Note: As each account contains custom Permission Levels, your screen will look different from the example above. 

Set Permissions in an Existing Collection

  1. Locate the Collection by searching for it in the search bar, browsing it under Browse Collections, or finding it in the View All table under the Asset tab. 
  2. If the Collection is not enhanced, hover over its name in the upper right and click Edit Info
  3. If the Collection is enhanced, click the button labeled "Edit" on the Collection's landing page. 
  4. Once the Edit Collection modal has launched, click the tab labeled Permissions.
  5. Click the checkbox next to each Permission Level to grant View access. 
  6. Save your changes

Note that some Permission Levels may have the ability to View All Collections, which means that their access cannot be restricted without either editing the Permission Level or customizing any users you wish to exclude. These Permission Levels are clearly marked "Has View All Collections Permissions," as seen in the example below. 

The checkbox next to these groups will not respond to attempts to check or uncheck it.